Authenticity: Who am I?
The idea of authenticity has been weighing heavily on my
heart this week. Questions like “what does it mean to be authentic?” “Can we
ever be authentic?” and “What is it to be authentic in Christ” have been
circling my mind. I have become something completely different today from when
I was a young boy. My desires, goals, personality, appearance, attitude, and
even my love of nature has been like shifting sand as I’ve aged; good Lord
willing I will have more time to change. What has remained constant in me is
something that also exists outside of me. That constant is my Lord, Jesus
Christ. If Christ remains constant within me, then He will certainly change me
as I grow. So the man I am today is not the man I will be in a year. The
question is changing from being authentic to even knowing who I am? To begin to be authentic, we must first
understand who we are.
So who am I?

I think that diffidence can really detract from people
getting to know us. If we are afraid of man, then we will not show man who we
are, lest our fears become reality; so one thing is sure, it is deceptive to be
diffident. I fall into this category; in that I am often afraid to share myself
with people thinking that I will be judged, lest I be vulnerable. Yet one might
respond saying, “What about wisdom? We must be wise with whom we share
information.” To this I agree whole-heartedly, but we are not talking about
people we do not trust, rather people we know we can trust well. People who
deserve to know us; people who want access into our lives.
So we can return to our thought of what makes us easier to
know. Partly we answered this in saying that we can be less diffident and more
courageous with people. We can risk being who we are when no one is around.
Terrifying. There is a song that goes like this…
This is the
song that nobody knows
I couldn't
begin to describe how it goes
It makes me
cry or laugh right out loud
It's the
song that I sing when there's no one around
This is the man that
nobody sees
He wears my old clothes
and he looks just like me
Just one of the boys who
gets lost in the crowd
He's the man that I am,
when there's no one around
It's four in the morning,
I'm lying in bed
A tape of my failures
playing inside my head
It's heartaches and hard
knocks and things I don't know
I listen and I wonder
where will it go
This is a glimpse of a
child that's within'
He's so immature but he's
still my best friend
If he could learn how to
fly, he'd never touch down
He's the kid that I am,
when there's no one around
This is a dance I do every
I let my feet go and get
carried away
I let my soul lead and
follow the sound
It's a dance that I do
when there's no one around
It's still four in the
morning, I'm lying in bed
A tape of my failures
playing inside my head
It's heartaches and hard
knocks and things I don't know
I listen and I wonder
where will it go
This is the song that
nobody knows
I still can't begin to describe
how it goes
It makes me cry or laugh
right out loud
It's the song that I sing
when there's no one around
It's the song that I sing
when there's no one around
I love this song, partly
because of its musicality, but also clearly because of the lyrics. We all have
a song that we sing when no one is around, when only Christ is present, who
knows us better than when we know ourselves. The question becomes how we can
share our song with the rest of the world? How can we let people see the
beautiful song that we sing when no one is watching? I think the answer lies in
today’s sermon on Mathew 5:31-37.
Our pastor talked about
oaths and made a very important comment when he said, “Sin has so corrupted
this world that we even need oaths. We don’t trust people to do what they say.
Our Yes is not our Yes, and our No is not our No. Jesus calls us to be
authentic.” Our pastor made a valiant point: we are more deceptive than we
could ever realize, but Christ is more authentic than we’ll ever know. In a
way, Christ becomes our authenticity; He allows us to be secure in him, so that
other’s can know us. Practically this means that if someone judges me for me
being who I am, that is OK, because my worth is not in that person. My worth is
in Christ. Christ is who I worth-ship, or worship. He alone is deserving of my
worship. No one else, but Jesus.
So in a nutshell, here it
is, how to be authentic: don’t give a damn what the world thinks, and when you
look up from what you’re doing, look to Christ. Jesus is the most forgiving,
awesome, gracious, caring, loving, wise, benevolent, merciful, compassionate,
and glorious man I know. He is more Just that we’ll ever want to believe and
more gracious that we could ever imagine. He is worth trusting.
So who am I? Well, I’m
changing all the time, but to know who I am I must know Christ, because Jesus
knows me better than I know myself. He reveals to me who I am. To learn to know
who I am I must have a safe place to land. To understand the deep waters of my
soul, I must have a captain to lead me on this journey. The answer of who I am
is merely that I am who I am. Interestingly when asked who Jesus is, he
answered, “I am” which has books of theology behind it, but it relates to this
blog post. Most simply we image Christ, so only Christ is the great “I am” but
we are “I am who I am” or rather I am who my Father created me to be. We can
only understand our self in Christ. Yet who did he create me to be? The answer
to this, like most answers of a good question, it takes time. I challenge myself
and you to answer that question, but not in one night. Ask Jesus to reveal to
you who you are. You will be terrified and overjoyed, bewildered and astounded.
Just remember, that more than anything else in the vastness of space, you are a
child of God. You are His and He is yours. He loves you, so much that he has
died for you. I know no greater love, than that of my savior. I am, His.
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