A few Post's accidentally deleted

There is something that I have been made sure of over the past couple years. This is that people, unlike machines, unlike math, unlike any kind of object made by man, cannot be placed into an equation. What do I mean by this? Simply this:
People are un-equatable, they have no other to compare to, in that an ant may be compared with a beetle we are simply different. Compare us to apes if you'd like, but in reality "Planet of the Apes" is not going to happen. In reality, God has made us to be the rulers of this earth, the ones who subdue and dominate (Genesis 1-3) and in that he has given us souls. We are made to be unlike anything else, we are made in His image. We are made to be like God.
What does this mean? I think it means that if humans cannot fit into a formula, this is because God first did not fit into a formula. Even if we are a grain of sand compared to His creation, even that minuscule grain still retains some part of the image of He who created the sand.
It means we shouldn't look in for the answers, but we should look up. Why are you sad, sadistic, sarcastic, moronic, dissatisfied, cynical, apathetic, or even disillusioned. The answers at their deepest levels are not a matter of psychology, but rather inherit in the way we were created. We are a result of the fall, and with our birth comes the stain of sin. Acknowledgement of ones sins, ones depravity, plus the grace of Christ and one will quickly find answers to the problems one seeks.
So, you can't fit people into a mold. Neither can you put God in a box.
POSTED BY JJ AT 8:11 PM 0 comments 

So today I gave up. My friends love to dance, so I give in. I'll dance. Also, I guarantee I will be part of many more dance parties to come, so, bring it on!
But seriously, God has blessed me very much.
Praise be unto him!
POSTED BY JJ AT 6:38 PM 0 comments 

Late Night People Parties
I am very thankful for the community in which God has placed me. It's amazing how diverse we all are as humans, as creations of God, in that people continually astound me. I am taken aback at just how gifted and unique certain people are, in their desired, and how different these desires are from my own. How is it that God has created us so differently, so uniquely, and yet with a level of truth that pervades each and every one of our souls.
I wont desire their gifts, but be thankful for the way in which God has been gracious to me, boast in Christ alone, and seek to edify my brother. To be content with the way, the person, that he has made me to be.
How beautiful it is, that we are different, that my sister or brother and Christ can come and challenge me, change me, mold me, simply with their words or actions. How beautiful His creation is! How beautiful.
POSTED BY JJ AT 10:34 PM 0 comments 

Ruth and Dating
After reading the Book of Ruth, I think it offers a small picture of what dating can/should look like.
Ruth goes out to support herself, knowing that Boaz is in that field. She doesn't necessarily seek him, but she makes it known that she is available.
Boaz then finds favor is Ruth.
They work together, differently, but together.
More to write at a later date.
Much love.
POSTED BY JJ AT 7:59 PM 0 comments 

Going to Seminary is expensive. On top of that, finding a scholarship can be really difficult. That's why I was so excited to find this Seminary Scholarship website today. Not only are they giving away a $1,000.00 scholarship and a digital theological library, all I had to do to apply was watch a short video and answer a few questions! It took less than 15 minutes. What is best of all is that if you're in seminary and apply for the Seminary Scholarship, and put my name as the person who referred you, if you win the scholarship, so do I! We could both get a $1,000.00 scholarship and digital theological library. So, do us both a favor and go apply for the Seminary Scholarship today.
POSTED BY JJ AT 2:15 PM 0 comments 

Jesus, lover of my soul. Jesus, I will never let you go. You've taken me, from the miry clay; set my feet upon the rock, and now I know. I love you, I need you, though my world may fall I'll never let you go. My savior, my closest friend, I will worship you until the very end...
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